Apr 24, 2019
On Ep#70-Dave and Toni-Ann tell you what their One and Done rides are in all the parks.The good The Bad And The ugly of Facebook,Toni-Ann has her dining review of the Hoop-Dee-Do Musical revue,the News and more silliness on this weeks show.
Thank you to all of you!! We appreciate you!!
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Apr 17, 2019
#69- On this weeks episode learn from a Disney Expert "Toni-Ann" and a Newbie "Dave" as they tell you what they wish they knew before they went to Disney.
Apr 10, 2019
Ep#68- And we have lots of News this week,The Good The Bad And The Ugly of Facebook and Toni-Ann reviews Flying Fish.
Apr 3, 2019
Curt Stone From Geekin'On WDW Podcast- joins us this week and we have a great conversation with him.We Talk about his Podcast his Facebook Group and new and exciting things coming in the future for the Geekin family!
Stick around for the end of the show as we talk about "The Trevor project.You may want to grab some...