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The Disney Crush Podcast

Hello and welcome to The Disney Crush Podcast we are excited to share the joy and excitement of Walt Disney World with you every week on the podcast. 


Jan 30, 2019

Join us this week as we welcome Mandie Malinoski-Travel Agent at Fairy Tale Concierge and Figaro's Whiskers to the podcast.

Check out and like her Facebook page: The Disney Spot!

We explore with Mandie all the great things to do at Epcot for small children, it's not just for Adults.Check out her website and if you book...

Jan 23, 2019

Toni-Ann shares The Good The Bad and The Ugly of her recent trip to Walt Disney World to celebrate her son's Birthday,Happy Birthday Mike.!



Jan 17, 2019

Join us on another fun filled show as we discuss some unbelievable posts in some of the Disney groups on Facebook!

What are people thinking?

Fail to plan plan to fail! With just a little research and a little time on the MDE APP you could make or break your next trip to Disney!

It's up to you to make it the most Magical...

Jan 14, 2019

Hanover Pyst tells us some of the Movies that he is looking forward to in 2019.

We will be interviewing Steven Jongeward on a upcoming show to talk to him about all the new movies coming out in 2019,So look for that show soon.



Jan 10, 2019

This week Dave is joined by his wife Veronika and they talk about why they stay off site more times than not!