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The Disney Crush Podcast

Hello and welcome to The Disney Crush Podcast we are excited to share the joy and excitement of Walt Disney World with you every week on the podcast. 


Sep 27, 2018

How to snag hard-to-get dining reservations,the Ins and outs of Disney World Dining Reservations.

Lots of News and much more on this weeks show.

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Thank you Dave And...

Sep 20, 2018

Dave And Toni-Ann talk about Hurricanes and how they could effect your vacation plans at the parks.

The Good The Bad And The Ugly Of Facebook.

And more silliness on this weeks show.


Sep 13, 2018

Dave goes solo in the parks over the Labor Day weekend!

Find out how it went and would he do it again.

Low crowd levels,lots of rain,hanging out at the Poly and more silliness

on this weeks show!



Sep 7, 2018

Toni-Ann tells us all about her trip report over Labor day Weekend